Restaurant Inventory Management
Taking inventory may be one of your least favorite tasks, but it's crucial to controlling your restaurant's food costs and reducing waste. Scheduling and performing regular inventories can also increase your profits by over 20% each year because it keeps
Employee Dress Code Policy For Restaurants
Whether you employ a team of award-winning chefs or a handful of inexperienced teens who are trying to make a few extra bucks, creating a restaurant employee dress code can influence your success. As a business owner, you're responsible for ensuring that
5 Ways Your Restaurant Can Maximize Table Turnover
In the restaurant industry, table turnover rate is tricky to master: you want to seat as many parties per meal service as possible, but you don't want to make your customers feel rushed or unappreciated. Most casual restaurants aim to turn each table thre
How to Set Up a Delivery Service For Your Restaurant
Food take-out and delivery services are two of the fastest growing segments of the restaurant industry and are responsible for over $70 billion in sales each year. Studies also show that revenue from food delivery could reach $75 billion by 2020. Addition
How to Reduce Overhead Costs in Your Restaurant
Restaurants are costly operations to run, and some of the largest expenses go toward paying overhead. Overhead refers to ongoing expenses that come with running a business, such as rent, utilities, advertising, and salaries. It is important to note though
ADA Compliance For Restaurants
The Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA, was an important piece of civil rights legislation that was signed in 1990. The law asserts that businesses must take every possible step to allow people with disabilities to enjoy the same products and service
Tip Pooling Laws
While customary in most service environments, tipping, and more specifically, the dispersion of tips, is often not as black and white as your patrons would expect. Between tip pooling and tip sharing, employee agreements often ensure that supporting staff
What is a Restaurant Profit and Loss Statement?
A restaurant profit and loss statement, also known as a restaurant P&L, reflects your restaurant's revenue and costs during a specified period of time. Basically, it functions as a bank statement for your restaurant to help you track your business's progr
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