Company News
Tip Pooling Laws
While customary in most service environments, tipping, and more specifically, the dispersion of tips, is often not as black and white as your patrons would expect. Between tip pooling and tip sharing, employee agreements often ensure that supporting staff
What is a Restaurant Profit and Loss Statement?
A restaurant profit and loss statement, also known as a restaurant P&L, reflects your restaurant's revenue and costs during a specified period of time. Basically, it functions as a bank statement for your restaurant to help you track your business's progr
Interview Questions For Restaurant Servers and Hosts
When interviewing potential employees for your restaurant, it’s important to ask the right questions to help you identify the strongest candidates. Knowing what answers to look for from candidates allows you to quickly weed out unqualified applicants and
Restaurant Accounting Tips
You have the best food, the drive to be successful, and you're ready to get started! But running a restaurant involves much more than a talent for cooking and a passion for hospitality. A business strategy, organization, and the willpower to keep accurate
How to Reduce Labor Costs In Your Restaurant
Labor costs are a major expense in the restaurant industry, and reducing those expenditures can be a delicate balancing act. On one hand, as a business you should aim to be cost efficient and spend as little as possible, but on the other hand, you need ke
Advantages and Disadvantages of Owning a Restaurant Franchise
Today, restaurant franchises continue to rank in the top ten of the most popular franchise opportunities on the market, making them great business ventures to cash in on their popularity and revenue-generating possibilities. Although owning a restaurant f
Negotiating a Restaurant Lease
Once you've received funding and started the process to start a restaurant, you need to choose a location. Choosing the right location and space for your restaurant is important because it can affect your overhead costs. An expensive location will cut int
Forecasting Sales and Break-Even Analysis
Your sales forecast sets the standards for your restaurant's expenses, profits, and growth. If you're unable to provide a well-thought-out forecast of your projected revenue of the first three years of operation, few investors are going to put any money i
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